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Carla Bellingham

vivitar k mount to konica ar mount, or vice versa

here is my problem. I have a konica ar mount camera, and a vivitar k mount camera. and I have various lens for each, however, I would like to be able to either put the vivitar lenses on the konica, or vice versa. is there a adapter for this? and if so where can I find one? I have looked, and looked for one, and every time I get to a site I can't find it. any help on this would be greatly appreciated. and I have heard that this may take away a little quality, but don't worry about that i'm a newbie so I will probably mess them up some along the way for a while anyways. lol thank you.

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September 10, 2005


Jon Close
  It is not possible to easily adapt the Konica lenses to the K-mount camera because the K-mount flange is farther from the film plane than is Konica's. The Konica lens would not be able to focus to infinity unless the adapter had optical correction elements (and would necessarily act as a teleconverter as well). I doubt any exist.

It is technically possible to create an adapter to fit K-mount lenses onto Konica bodies that would not need optical correcting elements. But unlikely there is one commercially available since the Konica SLRs have been out of production for almost 20 years, and never sold in large enough volume to make it worthwhile. A clever do-it-yourselfer could cobble one together from a K-mount reciever (from a discarded body, or extension tube) and a Konica AF lens mount (from a discarded lens, extension tube, etc.). Even so, the Konica body would not be able to actuate the K lens aperture, so would have to set exposure manually. You may get the impression that it's not worth the bother. Just use the K-mount lenses on a K-mount body, and the Konicas on a Konica. (or simply pick one system and sell the other).

More Konica SLR information is available at this site:

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September 10, 2005


Carla Bellingham
Thanks again. Your input is very valuable to me. I had wondered about that. I will probably take pictures with both, and see which one takes the better picture, and keep the other for a back up camera. I only paid $10.00 for the vivitar v335 with a 50 mm to a 70 mm lense, (plus I have another v335 on the way with a flash, and 70 mm lense), and $38.00, $15.00 of which was s&h, for the konica autoreflex t, with a external flash & flash holder, 50 mm lense, 135 mm lense,leather camera case, 2x teleconverter, and more. So I won't be out any money by keeping them really. Thank you for your time it is very much appreciated. You have a great day.

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September 11, 2005

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