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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to use built-in camera meter

I am taking my first photography class. I have a Nikon N65 but I am having trouble figuring out how to use the built-in meter in manual mode to determine what the correct shutter speed and aperture would be in certain situations in order to achieve the correct exposure. I have read the manual several times but, for some reason, I still do not understand. Can someone please help me. I am desperate to figure out how to use my camera correctlt. Please help.

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September 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Well, you're going to have to pick one or the other, shutter speed or aperature. Then you adjust the other until your meter says you have the correct exposure. I am not real familiar with the N65 but I suspect it has LEDs that light up for underexposure, overexposure and correct exposure. Just keep adjusting until the middle light is lit. (Sure is a lot easier with match-needle metering but that is a thing of the past - except with the FM-3A.)

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September 09, 2005

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