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Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Pixel markings on reprints

Not sure if I can word this so it's understandable, but I'll try. I got some pictures developed & wanted to edit them & get reprints. I ordered them online thru Walmart and picked the prints up at the store. On two different occasions, 1 or 2 of the reprints in the batch looked really grainy. A photographer told me the picture was showing the pixel markings, ?. I don't know but it looks like the phot is outlined & to me it just looks really grainy & somewhat blurry. Not out of focus blury, but just not a sharp picture. Walmart said to bring in the negative & have a pix made from that to see if it makes a difference. Do you know what might cause this look in a reprint?

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September 08, 2005


Jon Close
  Many labs now use digital machines to make prints, even from film negatives. Kodak's "Perfect Touch" and FujiFilm Frontier systems (I think this is what most Wal*Marts use) are most common.

Misadjusted, they will give low-res pixelated results. Take them back to be reprinted to your satisfaction.

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September 08, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Thanks. I am going to do that to all the ones that have that odd look. I wonder where else I could get my pictures developed besides at the local walmart or CVS store? Should I be going to a local photographer? My photos are only for my own use, but I still want them to look good, or why else would I take them in the first place.

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September 08, 2005


Alisha L. Ekstrom
  Kathy if you want you can try this online professional lab... Not sure if you do digital or film..I'm pretty sure you can send them film though..They do a FABULOUS job & are very professional. You really want to try & refrain from using Wal-Mart or any place like that. You want good quality paper & developing of your images!!

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September 08, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Thanks, I'll check them out!!! I don't care for Walmart, but its close and fast.... which isn't necessarily always a good thing. (For us impatient people)

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September 09, 2005

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