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Photography Question 

Crystal L. Menichini

Setting up my darkroom?

Hello. I was recently blessed to get a complete darkroom for free from a very nice man who no longer does photography. My problem now is setting it up. I did darkroom work in high school and will be starting school soon at a local tech school- going for photography- but I do not remember how to set up the equipment. Could someone give me some tips on how to set this stuff up, or point me to a website or book that might help? Thanks for the help!

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September 02, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  How dissassembled is it? You shouldn't need to do anymore than screw the tower on to the base board, stick in the negative carrier, and plug it into the timer. Maybe connect the lens to the enlarger head, but that's not difficult.

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September 02, 2005

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