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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Ric Henry

Free Counter in Photo Gallery

Does anymore now how to get a free counter for your photo gallery. I see some gallery that have them, but when I signed up you have to add some information to your html. Where the hack is that? Can someone help me with this?


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September 02, 2005

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  It used to be just the Deluxe and Pro Web Sites that got the counters. Of course that may have changed, but that might also be what's the matter.

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September 02, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  Currently BP does not offer this in the free or premium gallery.
I answer a smiliar question a few days in the following thread:

You will have to subscribe to a web counter service. Many (who use one) seem to be using a free counter service from (
When you get one, you are given a HTML code or a script you will have to copy and paste it into your BIO blurb or your Gallery blurb. If you have more question on this, please let me know.

btw, I use a free counter service from

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September 02, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  PS: to get to Gallery blurb or BIO blurb,
- sign in with your email address and password
- once logged in, go to "My Member Info".
- go to BIO or Gallery Text

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September 02, 2005


Ric Henry
  Thanks for the information Carolyn and Nobi I will check in to it.


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September 02, 2005

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