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Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Special effects in pictures

I saw a wedding picture recently that was really neat. Would like to know how it was created..(wish I remember where I saw it)... the very center of the picture was the Bride & Groom. All around them were "lines" pointing into the center of the picture, that looked like something that was in motion. It almost looked like you were looking thru some type of tube... but I'm sure it was stopping some type of motion around them. Have to see if I can find it & post a copy.

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September 02, 2005


Liza M. Franco
  Radial Blur Sample
Radial Blur Sample

Liza M. Franco

Hi Kathy, I think is what you've descibed. I tried to figure this one out for you real quick tonight, this is my first try at it.

I did this in PS 7. Open the file and immediately duplicate it by going to Image>Duplicate name your new file and close out your original.

Now you want to duplicate your background layer by going to Layer>Duplicate. There are other ways of doing this, I just don't know how familiar you are with PS so we're going with this for now.

On this layer go to Filter>Blur>Radial and set at about 45-60, Zoom, and good, click ok.

Go to your Marquee tool, top left of toolbox. It may look like a square. If it does, left click on it and hold. You should see other options come up, click on the circle.

Near the top of your screen you should see feather, I used 30, click enter.

While holding shift, left click and drag to make a circle. If you don't hold shift you'll get an oval. Once its the right size you can move it to where you want it by left clicking in the circle and dragging. Once positioned, press delete and it will remove the center circle.

Left click outside the circle and it will make your circle selection ring disappear.

Go to Layer>Flatten and then save it.

Good Luck, let me know if that works.

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September 02, 2005

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