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Photography Question 


Wonderful artical

Well its not really Q lol Just Finish reading the article in shutterbug magazine by Jim Miotke interviewing
Bryan F Peterson .
I think everyone should get copy and read it its awesome :).
With good tips about Exposure I LOVED IT
Any one read it yet?

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August 25, 2005


Brendan Knell
  I read it, and I think that it was a pretty good one. The Shutterbug issue itself wasn't quite as good as usual for me at least. Also it's in the September issue.

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August 25, 2005


  I have to agree on that too all tho find the artical Classica photographs are mad in the camera by Monte Zucker very good one as well I Find the articall with BFP really helpfull for simple fact he really put is simply but very easy to understand right way its almost like he minimize his book kinda :)

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August 25, 2005

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