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Photography Question 

Ben F

Metering for sunsets.

Hey guys..

Im wondering how I would effectively meter a sunset or other shot facing directly into sunlight using my MF rangefinder. Is it the same as a normal camera?

See I know with my EOS, I would normally meter a part of the sky NEAR the sun but not actually have the SUN in frame when metering. I would then recompose with sunset in frame and SNAP!!
I have actually metered before with the sun in frame and just adjusted the shutter/aperture to under-expose by half to a full stop and had good results.

so is it the same?.. if I use aperture priority and meter an area near the sun it will give me a shutter spd for my selected I dont have exposure lock, if I then flick to manual and select the same shutter manually and then recompose with sun in frame is it gonna work?..

hehe a bit confusing. PLLLLZZZZ help meeeeeeee :PPP

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August 20, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  You've answered your own question, Ben. Yes, the method you described should work.

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August 20, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Sandy Point Sunrise
Sandy Point Sunrise
Provia 100, metered off the sky to left of the sun

Bob Cammarata

Chris is correct in that you've answered your own question.

The attached photo was shot recently using the exact process you've described.
While not shot with a medium format rangefinder,...light is light, and if your in-camera meter functions properly, metering off a portion of the sky to the left or right of the sun should work the same.

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August 21, 2005

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