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My First Wedding is over !!!!!

I just did my first "professional" wedding and it went well enough except for the kid that got to my film.I did what everyone said to do especially John Lind's site on how to do a wedding.the KISS is right on. I had previously posted a question on why they didn't like "creative" photography and then did what the answers suggested.The photos came out real good ,the wedding party is very pleased.I was going to do some more shots outside but it was so hot that the bride's makeup was starting to run,so that didn't work out. However,I learned a lot. And if I ever do another one there are several things that I need to tell them. One of the first things is not to come down the isle like going to put out a fire,,ha ha.I couldn't get the shots focused before they were by me. Even when I focused on a space in front of them ,they were moving. I guess they wanted to get it over with.
I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions and time ,,to help us struggling wantobes..You are the best,,you answer the same questions over and over again.
I can't post any because my scanner is screwed up so as soon as I get it fixed or buy another one I believe I will post some..
Thanks again ,

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August 16, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Glad to hear things went well Paul . . . I did myfirst(and probably only) in March and one thing I did remember to tell them was that "SLOW" was good LOLOL . . . they were very cooperative too which was great! I also learned alot but do not intend to "advertise" my services for weddings

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August 16, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Congratulations. I'm glad everything went well. I know what you mean about the rush down the aisle. Had that happen to me too. Some people, usually the bridesmaids, don't realize it's a processional, not a race. Glad everything went well.

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August 16, 2005


Chauncey R. Huffman
  I noticed that youi referenced John Lind's website. Where is it? I would really like to read up on it, if it's at all possible. Thanks.

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August 16, 2005


  John Linds tutorial on weddings is as follows ,,
you will have to copy and paste,,
Thanks for the encouragement from all the professionals..

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August 16, 2005

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