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Andrew Laverghetta

Distance Scale on Sigma Lens

  Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 Distance Scale
Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 Distance Scale

Andrew Laverghetta

Hi! I recently got a Sigma zoom lens that has a distance scale on it and I wanted to make sure I knew how to read it. I have messed around a put a roll of slide film through my dad's old Ansco Memar from many years ago and my slides came out pretty good but I wanted to make sure I was thinking correctly. I'm mostly thinking of hyperfocal focusing with this but how I have the lens set, would I be correct in assuming that if I set the lens to f/22, everything from just under two feet to infinity should be in focus? Also, how does focal length fit into this?

There is also an "R" near the fstop numbers just to the right of center. I also notice that there aren't any numbers below 5.6 listed. Is this because there wasn't really room to squeeze them in? Is this just kind of like a mock up and not a reliable scale?


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August 12, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Andrew, it looks to me like you have a handle on hyperfocal distance focusing.

Your assumption is correct, if you set the camera to f/22, everything between the two "22"s should be in focus.

Not sure about the "R". Are you sure it's not an 8? That would make more sense to me.


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August 12, 2005


Jon Close
  The depth of field scale on that lens is only applicable when at 24mm. Zoomed to any other length the DoF narrows considerably.

The R mark is for focusing with infrared film/filter. Focus normally, then correct the focus for IR by turning the focus ring a bit to the right so that what was under the "" mark is under the "R" instead.

For many zoom lenses the amount of IR correction will vary with the focal length. The R mark for this lens may be for all focal lengths, or like the DoF scale may be for 24mm only. Was there not an instruction sheet packed with the lens?

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August 13, 2005


Jon Close
  >>... what was under the " " mark ...<<
should be ... what was under the "l" (normal focus) mark ...

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August 13, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  Thanks for the help! Yeah, I was wondering if that was only for the 24mm focal length.

Yes, there was a small sheet in many different languages, I read the English portion but it didn't tell much if anything about using the scale.

Thanks again!

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August 14, 2005

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