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Photography Question 


appropriate lenses

I have recently begun using a medium format camera, a Pentax 67 II, and I am learning the in's and out's. I am primarily doing portrait photography and looking to move into beauty, fashion, and product photography. So far I have been using a 105mm lens, but I also heard that some photographers usually use a 55mm for this type of work.

Is anyone experienced is this regard? Is it worth the investment to buy a 55mm, or can I do just as well with the 105mm?

Many thanks for any advice one might give.

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August 09, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  With all due respect, I think you heard wrong with the 55. It is a wide angle lens in the 6x7 format, equivalent to a 28mm in 35mm cameras. It would distort people and/or products in a studio setting, and produce way too much background and DOP for outdoor people/fashion work.
Longer lenses work much better. The Pentax 67 has quite an inventory of lenses available. I'd look at the 165, the 200, and the 300. If I could only choose one, I'd opt for the 200 to couple with your current 105.

If it's of any value to you to know, lenses for 6x7 cameras are approximately 2x the length of their 35mm counterparts. Thus, your Pentax 67 105mm lens would be about the same as a 50mm normal lens on a 35mm camera, and the Pentax 200mm would be about the same as a 105mm in 35mm.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 10, 2005

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