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Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

A good place to purchase camera accessories

I live in a very small town & don't have any camera stores close by. I want to purchase additional lenses & filters, etc for my minolta, but don't know where to go (either online or in person). The camera store we purchased our camera from, went out of business years ago. Did anyone every buy from I want to get as good a deal on stuff as possible, but I sure don't want to purchase faulty equipment or get ripped off for that matter.

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August 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Check out
They are a good, reliable source.

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August 04, 2005


John Rhodes
  Kathy, I support Kerry's recommendation for B&H. Also consider Adorama. Excellent vender; won't try to pressure you into additional purchases you don't need.

Either B&H or Adorama would be a trusted source.

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August 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I concur with John. I have bought from both and have been very happy with each of them. B&H is a little less expensive on the shipping costs but otherwise you can't go wrong with either. You might want to check out the Used Department of each. Their ratings on the quality of their used equipment are very conservative.

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August 04, 2005


Kimberly J. Whipps
  Must agree, best prices and service I've seen.

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August 04, 2005


Tom Walker
  I've had a problem with adorama selling junk as treasures but no problem with returning stuff to them, just think they get a litle overly optmistic in their discriptions, you didn't say what kind of minolta, I ve bought some great accessories for my old xg1 on ebay. Hate to say it but all the junk I've gotten on ebay has been from camera stores like adorama and kievcamera

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August 06, 2005

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
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  Do they have filters? I'm wanting an IR filter for my Sony and can't seem to find one in stock.

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August 07, 2005


Michelle Ross
  I have used Ritz Camera with no problems and they offer free shipping over $100 I think . . . I use Adorama ALOT . . . I have bought off of Ebay(Cameta Camera is reputable). . . Porter's I haven't used but have heard they are reputable. . .I have personally never used B&H but have had them recommended to me many many times. The one I have heard to stay away from is digital liquidators. . .never experienced them personally but have had a few say they are rotten apples! Good Luck!

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August 07, 2005

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