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Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

PhotoShop Versions

I have 2 questions (both of which pertain to Photoshop).

1) I found a website (I believe it was that is selling photoshop software for $59.95 (original price was $610.00. They said you don't get a disc, but aside from that it was a full version. how can they be legally selling software at a $500 discount?

2) What is the difference (aside from price) in Photoshop 7, Photoshop Elements and Photoshop CS?

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August 04, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Kathy, as usual, if a deal seems too good to be true, then it probably is.

To answer your first question, they may be getting away with it, but that doesn't mean they should.

I don't know if this particular site falls into this category, but there are some unscrupulous vendors out there who will pretend to be a computer vendor in order to get cheap OEM copies of programs that are intended to be bundled with a new computer. Their loophole is that they will ship some small, useless piece of hardware (sometimes even a dead hard drive) along with the software, in order to satisfy the requirement of selling the software "bundled with hardware".

If these guys are not giving you a disc, then I assume you will be downloading the program. Probably with no documentation, certainly with no customer support. Most Adobe programs have an activation step during installation, and if you don't have a valid serial number, it won't work. I wouldn't expect Adobe's customer support to bend over backwards to help you at that point.

I don't blame you for not wanting to pay $600 for PhotoShop, I wouldn't either. There are lots of less expensive programs available through legitimate means that will probably fill your needs.

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August 04, 2005


Brendan Knell
  On your first question,I would imagine that they may be one of those gray market places, but other than that I really don't know how they can be selling it that cheap. Do you just download the software? The only other way you could get CS around that cheap, is getting it used at Ebay, or Amazon. You might be able to find it for around 150-200$.

About your second question. PS Elements, if for beginers(that's what I have and it works great). PS 7 is for people that are not beginers but not pros. And CS is for Pros. From my understanding, the difference is that each one up, you have more and better tools. But like I said before, Elements is great, so don't feel like you have to get CS, unless you're going to be doing some major editing.

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August 04, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Sorry Kathy, Chris and I must have been typing at the same time.

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August 04, 2005


Chauncey R. Huffman
Chris is right, they might be doing right now, but that doesn't mean that it's legal, or right. There are a lot of ways to acquire software programs, but there's only one legal way, to buy the program in it's entirety.
As for your second question, The difference in the 3 programs is features. Elements is made for beginners because it lacks many of the powerful tools and features of the full version of Photoshop. Photoshop 7 and CS are very close to the same thing, but there are new more professional features in CS. There are many new "layers" features in CS. They have done away with linking (for the most part) because now you can just click on multiple layers. There are namy new features that make it worth upgrading from 7 to CS. I hope this helps!

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August 04, 2005


Collette Photography
  Kathy, I dont know about the place that you mentioned but I dont see how they can do that without giving you the cd. But I do know of one place were I got my Photoshop cs for a great deal the site is I got PS cs for $99.00, the reason they can sell it so cheap is because they buy wholesale, and all you get is the cd not the box or booklet, wich is the most expensive part for the company to manufacture, and you have to activate it through Adobe, so it is legit.

As far as the difference between 7.0 and cs, Im not all that sure, I do know that I love cs it has so many different tools and things that you can do!!!

hope this helps!!


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August 04, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  UMMM if you don't get a disc? Then how will you reboot when you get a virus? This is not good, not good at all. If you download something that large arn't you a little afraid of GETTING one? I would never pay for a download without a proper CD to backit up incase there is a failure.

As for the difference. There are mainly tools. Even if you have the cheap version that comes with a new digital camera you can do so many things with this program. (Trust me, I just had to use one because of a major system failure) I normally use CS but let me tell you if you buy CS for 600+ bucks and you see a version of the one you get for free you are going to literally ripped off! I just used the 2.0 version and it has MOST tools that I use EVERYDAY. The tools that bothered me slightly that it did not have was curves, a very few layer features and the different type of patch tools/healing tool.

Version 7 I own and this is REMARKABLY similar to the CS version maybe litterally only 3 tools different. It really just depends on how much 'gadgetry' you want. Trust me no one needs CS, not even professionals for that price. It really is not that much more than 7. If you are working with photos you will be COMPLETELY fine with Elements. If you are doing MAJOR graphic design then maybe you might like the gadgetry. But, the small amount of gadgetry you get for your 600+ bucks, I would NOT justify spending that money. If you want to better invest your money for photography verses graphic design then take that money and buy some powerful addon plugins. You will use these so so much more than the small amount of features that CS offers over 7. Plugins for photography are much more useful than more graphic design tools.
Of course this is my opinion and some might differ but, I have used all three of these programs pretty extensively and I can tell you that I feel very certain as to what I am saying.

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August 04, 2005


Tom Walker
  This may seem like a stupid question, but why are you posting here in the film forum instead of the digital?

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August 04, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
Because I have a "film" camera. I don't own a digital.

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August 05, 2005


Brendan Knell
It's not that big of a deal what category you put it in, but I think that this would have been better off in the Digital section. Because it's not about what camera you have(unless it's about the camera), it's about the question.

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August 05, 2005


Justin G.
  I'm sure I'm like most people and just click new questions so it pops up all the new questions/responses no matter the category. Anyways...

I bought my Photoshop CS2 from a website called.

Its a wholesale site or something like that, whatever the word. Anyways it was CD only. I didn't get a book, or the original box. It was an original Photoshop CD but the just mailed it in one of those cardboard envelopes. Anyways I had to call the company to get a special authorization number, different from the serial number. Setup was easy, I had my CD 3 days from the order and it's the full version. I have nothing blocked (at least that I've noticed) but I've been through just about everything and nothing's blocked so I guess that site would be a recommendation from me. Just an idea. OH yeah the price. $99 instead of $600. Just my humble opinion.


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August 05, 2005


Collette Photography
  Yeah, Justin was the person who told me about

Thanks a bunch Justin, it saved me a ton of money and it works great, I didnt need the booklet after all, I just went to my local library and got all of the books they had on PS and I was fine, although It will still be a long while before I get the hang of everything it can do!!! anyways, thanks again!!


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August 05, 2005


Justin G.
  No offense Collette but I've recommended it to so many people that I forgot you were one! :-( So everything turned out alright I'm guessing! That's wonderful. See you don't even really need the book with everyone at BP, and the library and such a plethera of information out there.

P.S. For you PS users try this site.

Great site with thousands of tutorials that walk you through how to do just about anyhting in PS.

P.P.S. In photoshop as many of you may know, there's usually more than one way to do a certain task. Shoot there's usualy about 5 different ways to do a single task! lol. Anyways, lets say you find something on good-tutorials and it doesn't work, just look for a similiar tutorial and hopefully that should help. I've experienced tutorials that just never seemed to work so dont' get you're hopes down; more than likely it's not you, its the author.

Best of luck

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August 05, 2005

- Fax Sinclair

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Fax Sinclair
Fax Sinclair's Gallery
  Thanks to everyone in this thread. I didn't have to ask my question and I'm going over to and good-tutorials right now!

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