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hot air balloon lens choice

My husband and I are going to ride in a hot air balloon for the first time. What lenses would be best for the in flight photos? Zoom? Wide angle? Telephoto?
Filter suggestions? This will be near sunset.

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July 27, 2005


Samuel Smith
  yes,yes,yes, circular polarizer.
one camera with 50mm under f2,second camera 70mm to 200 or 300,400 speed film for both,and take a deep breath before you shoot.everybody got their boots on?

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July 28, 2005


  Thanks for mentioning a fast film--I hadn't even thought about how fast we'd be going!

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July 28, 2005


  How about one person shoots landscape with a wide angle and the other person shoots the other hot air balloon in flight with a telephoto? I am not sure about the polarizer because it will be near sunset. Unless you have a very fast lens or image stabalizing lens. But bring it along just in case you can use it. Also, bring some saturated fast film. And enjoy the view.

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July 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  i didn't see an invite in there to tag along,did you andy?

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July 29, 2005


  Thank you both. I hope you two are friends.
It will be a private flight, affordable since we live in Kansas, the Land of AHs.
Also wondering, aside from photography,if it will be much cooler during the ride than on the ground. Bring a jacket even though it will be August?

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July 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  only if it's going above 5,000 feet,but no I don't think you'll need a jacket.
i don't really know andy other than the posts,i just thought all of us here at bp were friends.i consider you a friend even without the invite.i was just ummm,kidding.i hope you didn't mind,ya know,friends?

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July 29, 2005


  Of course I don't mind! I looked at your site and saw a lot of beautiful photos. Particularly "Hair". Most people would not have noticed that petunias have hairy petals and it is always a treat to see how other photographers pick out details.

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July 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  have a safe trip friend,and thank you.

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July 29, 2005


Justin G.
  Personally I am very protective and partial to my equipment because its pricey for me, but I would personally make sure I have straps on both cameras and have that around you neck or tied to something. My luck I'd drop the thing, it would miraculously hit the edge and fall the wrong side. Not to mention how sweaty my palms would be from the heights, but that's just me. Just don't forget to enjoy the trip and see some of the stuff away from the viewfinder. Again, just me.

best of luck, have a nice and safe trip.


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July 29, 2005


  Yes, Justin, good warnings. I have dreams along those lines! To loose any equipment would ruin the entire month as all of it was obtained piece by piece for Christmases and birthdays.

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July 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  times up-oz?

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July 29, 2005

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