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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick


Most people here have the photoshop software. I have the printshop (which I'm sure is much cheaper). I don't do professional photos & only do editing for my own benefit. How do the two differ & how much does the photoshop cost? Is it worth the cost if you only edit your own work? Thanks

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July 21, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Kathy .. You can get Photoshop Elements 3.0 for around $90 I think and it will do everything you need to do with your own photos(unless they are just really problematic ones). It might even be cheaper by now as I haven't priced it for several months since I got my version. I am not family with printshop so I can't tell you the differences or similarities but I find PSE 3.0 very easy to use and very useful too!

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July 21, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  You Can Get Ps7 For $80.00 Look Around On The Net,The Upgrade To Cs Is Fairly Reasonable Too Kathy,I Have Never Used The Printshop I Have Looked at It And Its Very Limted Compared To Elements Or Other Photoshop Programs Kathy!!

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July 21, 2005

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