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Photography Question 

Brenda K. Smith

Looking for constructive input on image

I'm looking for feed back on my image. I'm new to this site and when I see all of the beautiful immages on this site I tend to really question my work.

So please give it to me straight but gently.


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July 18, 2005


Elizabeth Coachman
  Hi Brenda! Welcome to the BP family!! This is the best place to be for critique, as well as encouragement and exposure for your photography. To your photos.

View of the Danube - I like this idea a lot... but the black thing on the right cuts off the second half of the farrie. I think without it, it would be a better photo.

Saints of St. Stephans Dome - I really like this light on the subject, and the widows on either side, but the people are distracting - at least to me. I think a simple crop will fix this problem.

Light my Fire - great subject, but the light is overpowering.

Astrological Clock in Prague - the only thing I would change is to crop it on the right a little to cut out the other window. I love it otherwise!

Other than those small and easy ti fix problems, your photos are great! Keep up the good work!

By His Grace and For His Glory,

Elizabeth C.

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July 18, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I concur with Elizabeth's critique but would like to add a couple of things.

Light My Fire - Crop off the top part and get rid of the awning that is holding the peppers. It will help the composition of your image.

Astrological Clock - Might want to crop part of the top. When shot from this angle (your only choice) perspective is skewed so just eliminate what you can.

Saints - Were you prohibited from using flash inside this building? If so, they did you a favor. The play of the natural light and the dhadows has made this a dramatic image. Great shot.

Lastly, don't ever, ever stop questioning your work. Questioning your own work and trying to improve it will only make you a better photographer.

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July 18, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Regarding my comment on Astrological Clock, ignore it. I went back and looked at it again (memory too shot, getting old) and see that that is not possible. However, I would crop out the head at the bottom.

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July 18, 2005


Brenda K. Smith
  Wow, thanks ya'll. I agree with the light on the peppers and the croping.

On St Stephan's dome it's a challenge not to get people in it but I think I can crop more.

Thank you.

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July 18, 2005


Samuel Smith
  kerry,you caught me on that one,too shot or too short?

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July 18, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I thought it was a typo but I'm not too sure. Could be either way.

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July 19, 2005

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