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Photography Question 


Professional Photographers

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'll give it a shot. Do professional photographers like say those for National Geograhic or like Jim Miotke take actual classes in photography in high school or college or is it something they learn on their own by experience and resources? I've always found I've improved my photpgraphy with my own ambition and interest and not with a classroom type setting. Any comments on this? Did you take courses? Just curious!

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July 16, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I thought I did really good and learned a lot through my ambition and such. I took a basic photo class at my college and I loved it. Even though I knew the technical aspects of photography, I didn't know some of the names, reasons, or artistic ideas involved in picture taking. Also, seeing some of the pictures that others had taken really motivated me to go out hunting for pictures instead of just looking around me. Also, trying to keep up with some other people really helped out as well. This was a slide class where we didnt' develop on our own though. We projected about 4-6 of our slides in front of our small 15 member discussion class and seeing what other people had done and hearing what other people had to say was really good for me.

I'll be taking my first darkroom class this fall and since I've been looking into all of it to prepare myself, I've been thinking more about exposure throughout the frame and not just total exposure. Exposure latitude almost and what I would try to correct in the darkroom, if I had one yet.

I think that if you wanted to be an assistant to a photographer as well or have your own business, it would look better if you had some schooling even if it wasn't a full college degree.

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July 16, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  A formal education will help to open doors but it is emperical knowledge which will prove to be your best teacher.

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July 17, 2005


Joe Jarosz
  Hi Jordan, take a read through some of the instructor interviews. Its very interesting to find out how they found their way into the career, not always through formal education..

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July 17, 2005

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