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Photography Question 

Ben F

Manual Focusing and eyesight

Okay, hypothetical question for ya'll...

If I had a manual focussing 35mm camera/lens, and lets say I was long sighted in my vision (ie very up close objects get blurred, like words on a book put up to my face)..
If I was to compose a picture in the viewfinder and focus would I end up with a blurred negative/print?..

im guessing so but only in extreme cases maybe?... I am slightly longsighted however when my eos 300v autofocuses when im taking pictures, it looks perfect to me?

Any help is appreciated, sorry if its a little confusing but its hard to explain!!

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July 15, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  For me, this is very hypothetical. I'm near sighted. Being far-sighted should not cause you any problems when shooting, unless you are doing very close-up work. Even then, you could adjust your diopter until it suits your needs.

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July 15, 2005

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