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Photography Question 

Jason R. Mcbride

Ilford fp4 125

My sister asked me to take some black and white photographs of her and my 1 month old nephew. This is the first time that i've used Ilford and the first time that i've used a film below ISO 200. Are there any tips or tricks, things I should know about this film? I'll be shooting outdoors in a park, I have a canon rebel g, an 70-300 lens f 4/5.6, a 35-80mm lens also f 4/5.6, and tripod.

I greatly value everyone's opinion on this site.

Thank You,

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July 15, 2005


Jon Close
  Use fill flash.

Have you used b&w much before? In my (limited) experience, simply loading the camera with b&w doesn't guarantee you'll get good b&w photos. You really have to "think in b&w" paying special attention to contrast and tones (relative light and darkness). Blue, red and green of the same tone can easily be distinguished on color films/paper, but in b&w they can all be the same tone of gray. Common b&w filters are red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. They will lighten the same colors and darken complimentary colors.

A circular polarizer works the same with b&w as it does with color, giving good contrast to clouds in the sky.

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July 15, 2005


Jason R. Mcbride
  Thanks for the response. No I havent had much expierence shooting b&w, the only kind i've used is the kodak 400 c-41 film.

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July 15, 2005

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