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Photography Question 

Bruce D. Hughes


I usually run a 200iso film and recently purchased a Optex Auto 2X Tele-Converter to go with my Sigma Zoom 60-200mm lens and Canon T70, and all my photos came out dark. Should I try a lower f# (eg. reads f8 on auto, set it at f5.6) What's best.

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July 13, 2005


Jon Close
  Are you using Program or Tv autoexposure? If so, there should be no adjustment necessary. Less light is reaching the camera's TTL meter when the TC is attached than without, so it automatically compensates.

Example - Suppose you meter with just the 60-200 lens (at 200mm) and get an exposure of 1/125 and f/11. Add the 2x TC, zoom the lens to "100mm" so that the scene is the same, then meter. The camera and TC don't communicate, but the camera's meter will register less light coming through and give an exposure of 1/125 and "f/5.6" (or some equivalent like 1/60 f/8).

If you are setting exposure manually when using the 2x TC, then you have to open the aperture 2 stops from what the separate non-TTL meter reads. If the meter says "f/8" for a particular ISO and shutter speed, then you have to set "f/4" on the lens.

You might also double check your negatives. It could be there was no problem with the camera/lens/TC exposure but that the lab erred in printing.

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July 13, 2005


Joe Jarosz
  Hi Bruce,
You will lose 2 stops when using a 2x converter. Depending on what mode you are in, just make sure you have a good exposure for the light, and you should be ok. Its possible you left your settings at what they were before you put the converter on and are now 2 stops underexposed.


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July 13, 2005

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