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Photography Question 

Justin G.

Balance between digital&film ???'s

Alright here I go again with more film questions. I ask more questions that I shoot, which is a bummer but developing costs can get pricy and lately weather has been bad well anyways onto the question...

I want to do a shoot with my best friend (Ashley, my wife). She has beautiful caucasian skin, not pale (ignore the washed out gallery pics), but not too dark either. Well anyways these are going to be pool shots with beautiful bright blue water. What slide film would you guys recommend for keeping the gorgeous blues, but not discoloring her gorgeous skin. I'm thinking Provia or E100GX. If I'm wrong or there's some better film for the occasion, let me know. Thanks guys. GO Film!!


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July 07, 2005


  I have only used Kodak line of products so I would recommend the E100GX. Other photographers may recommend Fuji films. Why don't you get a roll of each and see which one you like?

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July 08, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I think I read in some book that sensia is good as well? I haven't done much with slides and the 25 or so rolls that I shot were with velvia but that might be a little intense for portraits. Look into sensia though. Andy knows what he's talking about so listen to him especially.

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July 10, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Fuji Provia 100 Its Super For Correct Skin Tones,Never Used The Kodak Film Being Discussed Though,I Stick With What Works For Me Justin:-)

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July 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Kodak KR-25. Oops, that's been discontinued.

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July 12, 2005

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