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Photography Question 

Don Curry

print film vs slide

Ok, what is the real truth about slide film? Is it really better? My end result would be to convert it to a blown up print. With the quality of film today do I need to do this? Will print film blow up with as good detail and color?


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July 06, 2005


Peter M. Wilcox
  The biggest difference is that slide film has less dynamic range, i.e. it's easier to blow out highlights if there is a lot of contrast between shadowed and bright areas. Some slide films are known for providing more vivid, saturated, colors as well. Grain size (enlargement suitability) between 'chrome and 'color should be similar, all else being equal (ISO).

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July 07, 2005


doug Nelson
  Shooting slide film to learn exposure gives you a real first generation image. If it's too dense or too weak, its something I did, not a printing machine error. Once you can get consistently good exposures with slide film, you know your camera and your metering system.

The printing metheod for slides that gave best results in the past was Cibachrome, but it was expensive. A good film scanner can give you a file for printing up to about an 11 x 14 and beyond. A properly calibrated printer can give you an accurate print, limited in size only by the printer's max print capability.

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July 07, 2005


Tom Walker
  With print film your print may be changed by the printer, slide film is as you saw it, of course when you have a print made from a slide you cancel any advantage

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July 07, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Yes you can blow print film up to big prints. Start with a good picture, you'll end with a good blow up.

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July 08, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Is that Roger Ebert?

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July 08, 2005

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