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Photography Question 

Kitty Cross

is this a problem?

When I took this shot it was a question of being in the right place at the right time. The light was changing and I shot--probably too slow. The subjects are a little soft. What do you think?

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July 04, 2005


  There is no problem. You are right being in the right place at the right time. Good position of the subject placement. Good exposure and very pleasing blue color of the sky. If not for the reflection, I will think your subjects were floating in the sky. Very simple with no distracting element. I like it a lot. Thanks for sharing.

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July 05, 2005


Irene Troy
  I agree with Andy - this is a wonderful image! You could crop just a bit of the top blue sky; however, that is really picky and only my choice. The image really needs nothing that I can see. The softness of the people adds to the somewhat other worldly nature of the image. Thanks for sharing it with us!

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July 05, 2005


Kay Beausoleil
  Kitty, the reflections are soft, as they should be. If they weren't, they'd look like a bad PS effect. The people look fine to me, although I'm seeing this on a laptop, not the best judge of anything photographic.

You've a wonderful, evocative picture there! I agree with Irene though; the blue sky is distracting, and if it were my image and I wanted to preserve the otherworldly effect, I'd whack off more that a bit -- close to the beginning of the clouds, if not into it.

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July 05, 2005


Kitty Cross
Hey thanks a bunch for your help! Re decreasing the sky--you mean sort of like this? Do you think its a stronger photo?

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July 05, 2005


Kitty Cross
Hey thanks a bunch for your help! Re decreasing the sky--you mean sort of like this? Do you think its a stronger photo?

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July 05, 2005


Irene Troy
  Kitty -

At this point anything we say is really a matter of opinion and vision. For my eyes I like that you cropped most of the blue sky; however, now I want to see more of the left side of the frame cropped in a little closer to the people. This is tough, because if you crop too much you will lose some of what makes this image so powerful. Maybe just crop a little bit and see what you think.

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July 05, 2005


Kay Beausoleil
  Definitely, it's all a matter of opinion! Yes, I think it's stronger, but even better would be to bring back a little more sky so the whole of the top puffy cloud is included in the picture with the smallest touch of straight blue sky above so the cloud isn't resting right on the top frame. (My bad for suggesting "into it" above.) IMHO, that's the only change I'd make, but that's what makes horse races!

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July 05, 2005


Justin G.
  Everyone is saying IMHO, what is this?



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July 05, 2005


Kay Beausoleil
  In My Humble Opinion, not to be confused with IMNSHO (insert "Not So").

HTH. (Hope This Helps)

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July 05, 2005


Justin G.
  W (wow) TFATH (Thanks for all the help)


(You'd think for being a young one, I would be good at all of the internet jargon!


Have a fabulous day!


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July 05, 2005

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