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UH,,OH ,,Problem with film counter ,,Minolta X700

The camera works well, but the film counter stopped working. New roll and it will only go back to # 16 on the counter. I have ruined a couple of rolls of film trying to get it to work.Rewind and shutter all work well.I even found the film counter release or reset pin. I wonder if I should get it fixed,,it is a bother to use this way ..or just get another one off of ebay. I shot a roll of 36 with it this way and of course, I just shot until the film won't advance,but that bothers me as I might not be really taking a shot and I don't really know when the film is really to go,, and I don't want to waste film either. Is this something that I can fix myself or just get some one else to do it.
Thanks for any responses,

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July 03, 2005


  I guess no one knows and I realized that the cost of getting it repaired is probably more than its worth. However, I will use the best I can until even without the film counter until it won't rewind at all.
Thanks for the responses,,or the lack thereof ,,,

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July 08, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Sorry I missed your question the first time around. You might still want to get an estimate on a repair. If it is too much, just use it until it breaks.

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July 08, 2005


  Thanks Kerry ,
I already called a place and they said it would probably cost too much and sometimes taking the top off of a camera causes more problems ,,some other stuff might get out of line. So,I will use it the way it is ..

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July 09, 2005

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