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Photography Question 

Mike Stephens

TIPS NEEDED- Swim Club-fireworks, etc.

Hi all and HAPPY 4th of July w/e !
For those who don't know me, I just got back into film-based photography after 20 years. I have a Maxxum-5 with an AF 28-100 lens and a Tamron 100-300 mm lens. I just got a tripod and a few filters (UV, ND, and star). The management of the swim club I belong to asked if I would take pics for their web site on 7/3 and 7/4. They also have fireworks on 7/4. ANY tips (I KNOW this is a VERY broad question), would be helpful. Also, with firworks, do I use a tripod? And what speed film? (800 or 1600?) Any ideas for selecting a shutter speed for the fireworks?
Lat question: Which lens should I use for the firworks? (Should I use any of the filters I mentioned?)
Thanks so much. SO many people have been immensely helpful here.

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July 02, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  "Do I use a tripod?"

"What film speed?"
100 or 200 will produce better photos (for scanning or enlarging) than high-speed films.

"...Shutter speed?"
Use conjunction with a med-wide aperture (f-5.6 to f-8). Try to keep your exposure times under 4 or 5 seconds to maintain colors of the bursts.

"Which lens?"
That depends upon how close you are able to get to "ground zero", and how big you want your bursts to appear.
If you can get close enough to get full-frame coverage with the 28-100 set somewhere in the middle..(around 60 mm), that should work nicely.
Try to avoid the extremes of focal length with either lens or sharpness will suffer. This is true with all zooms. They're at their sharpest when used in the mid-range focal lengths,...(and mid-aperture ranges.)

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July 03, 2005


Mike Stephens
  Bob & Howie--Thank you guys! I was ready to use 800 ISO!! I'm glad I read your comments =) Much appreciated!!
Bob--Any relation to Arthur (same last name) who is/was a professor at Temple University in Phila?

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July 03, 2005

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