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Photography Question 

Bruce D. Hughes

Model Release

I,m looking for a an all purpose model release form in english & in french since I live in Quebec Canada. Does any, body Know where I can get it .

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June 29, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Here are some that I found. They're in English, so you will have to translate them into French. But I reccomend consulting a lawyer, just to make sure that the one that you choose covers everything that you need it to. Some of these you will need to substitute your name for theirs.

If none of those work, then just go to or any other search engine and search "Photography Model Realeses".
Hope this helps.

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June 29, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Hey Bruce! I live in Montreal! What town are you from?
Although so far all my clients have been English, I think having a French one would not be a bad idea... This is the basic wording that I use. I haven't consulted a lawyer but I think it does cover most of the bases... Let me know if you find out otherwise...

In exchange for consideration received, I hereby grant _________________________ and her assigns, unrestricted and irrevocable right and permission with respect to the photographs she has taken of me and/or my pet or child.
This includes permission to copyright and use, reuse, publish and republish portraits or pictures of me and/or my pet or child in which I and/or my pet or child may appear in whole or in part, composite or distorted in character or form.
Images may be used for commercial product advertisement, fine art, gallery, photographic contests, editorial or illustration and may specifically be used on the internet.
I hereby relinquish any right to examine or approve the completed product or products or the printed matter that may be used in conjunction therewith, or the use to which it may be applied.
I hereby affirm that I am of full age and have the right to contract in my own name, that I have read the above release and agreement prior to its execution and I fully understand it.
Print Name: _______________________________________
Signature: _______________________________________
Date: __________________E-mail: _______
Address: ______________________________
Phone: _______________________________
If model is under 18: I, _______________________________________, am the parent/legal guardian of the individual named above, I have read this release and approve its terms.
Print Name:

Beware though - the copyright rules for photos and photographers are different in Canada from the US...
Keep in touch!
(PS - are you enjoying the heat wave??)

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June 29, 2005


Justin G.
  What about childrens? Do you guys know where to find a model release that the parents would write their childs name in and certify they are the parents and...blah blah blah? Thanks.



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June 29, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Found a couple of Canadian links:

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June 29, 2005


Brendan Knell
Did you not read Diane's post? It says: If model is under 18: I, _______________________________________, am the parent/legal guardian of the individual named above, I have read this release and approve its terms. So any of these would work.

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June 29, 2005


Justin G.
  Whoa whoa whoa my bad for not catching that, I must've skimmed over it getting so excited about reading a whole page of lawyer talk! Excuse me for not being so gung ho. My mistake I'll be sure to read every post in its entirety 3 times before I ask such a question that would offend a man of your stature and intellectual capabilities. Good day to you Brendan.



P.S. For the BP users who normally read my stuff and help my questions, not my sarcasm here once again, for I'm not really mad! JDG

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June 30, 2005


Brendan Knell
I'm sorry if I came out rude. That isn't how I ment it.

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June 30, 2005


Justin G.
  Hey Brendan I wasn't trying to snap I was just playin around, you're alright.


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June 30, 2005


Justin G.
  Hey Brendan I wasn't trying to snap I was just playin around, you're alright.


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June 30, 2005


Justin G.
  Hey Brendan I wasn't trying to snap I was just playin around, you're alright.


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June 30, 2005


Justin G.
  Hey Brendan I wasn't trying to snap I was just playin around, you're alright.


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June 30, 2005


Justin G.
  Crap maybe hit submit only once even when it is taking the whole hour! sorry everyone. have fun shooting the fireworks and absolutely NO roman candle wars! they're dangerous!

Happy 4th!!



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June 30, 2005

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