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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


exactly what type of film do you have to use to develop your own pictures in a dark room

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June 29, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Most people that set up their own darkroom, and most darkrooms that you will find on college campuses, etc. are set up for Black & White film.

Color print film (designated C-41 process) can be developed in a darkroom, but it is a little more difficult and a good bit more expensive to do (different chemicals with a shorter shelf life).

There is also B&W film on the market that is designed to be developed in a standard color lab (same C-41 process). I guess this would be the same comment as the color film above.

I don't think there is an economical method for processing color slides on your own.

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June 29, 2005

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