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Danny C. Gleason

Focus distance marks on Canon cameras?

I just got a canon K2 slr camera. I have been playing around with it and I realized that there aren't any distance settings on the focus ring. I am used to those and think that they are pretty essential to determining the depth of field. Does anyone know if these canon cameras include this featue, and if so where would you find them on the camera? Thanks.

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June 25, 2005


Jon Close
  Typical of entry level autofocus zooms, not just Canon. It's a cost-saving measure. These lenses usually don't have very good manual focus ergonomics anyway with very narrow manual focus ring, which is very loose, and have very short "throw" from close focus to infinity. The mid-level zooms and primes are much better in this respect.

None the less, Canon has a work-around for those interested in controlling depth of field - the DEP (or A-DEP) exposure mode. Focus on the near, then far subjects that you want covered by the depth of field, then the camera will select the corresponding aperture and focus point to accomplish it (providing the lens has a large or small enough aperture to do it).

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June 26, 2005


Danny C. Gleason
  thanks jon. do you think it would just be simpler to uprade a little on the lense? Actually, I am hoping to get a digital soon, a XT I think, so im am going to look for lenses that have those distance marks--because now that I know what to look for I remember that I have seen them. I was hoping for maybe the 17-85 IS (i found a place that was selling it for a little more than three hundred), but I am not sure. thank you though.

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June 26, 2005

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