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Photography Question 

Brendan Knell

Focusing problems with close up filters.

I have the Sony DSC-F828, and I bought the Quantaray close up +1, +2, and +4 filters. It works fine when I only have one filter one it. But when I try to put more than one filter on, it is almost imposible to focus. Even if it is just one close up filter and a polarizer, it still wont focus. Anyone have any ideas on what might be the problem? Thanks in advance.

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June 24, 2005


Jon Close
  Will it focus with the +4 diopter filter? I suspect that, since the F828's lens is already pretty close focusing, that when you use more than +2 diopter close-up filters the point of focus is closer than the end of the lens.

Another problem might be that focus is so close that the AF emitter on the camera body is blocked by lens.

Or... is the problem only when using the polarizing filter? If so it may be a linear polarizer instead of the necessary circular polarizer. Either way, a polarizer is not generally needed when doing macro.

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June 25, 2005


Brendan Knell
Yes, it will focus with the +4, but I will try using the +2(then with the +1 & +2), and see if that works any better. The polarizer is a circular polarizer. I just use it to help with glare and the sun blowing out the detail. Thanks.


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June 26, 2005

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