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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to stop taking blurry pictures

I recently bought a new Canon EOS Rebel Ti and a Canon EF 75-300mm 1:4-5:6 III USM Zoom Lens. I went to a couple of pro wrestling cards over the weekend, where I used 800 speed film. I set the camera to the "action" button. I always take great action photos. However, this time ALL 400 photos came out blurry. What did I do wrong? How can I fix it?

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June 17, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  The light was too dim.
I don't think your blurry shots are "fixable", but if the opportunity arises again you can arrive early and "test" the light ahead of time by metering the scene at full-zoom...and at one stop under wide open.
See what ASA setting will allow for a shutter speed of at least 1/125 second in the light that's available. (That should be fast enough to freeze most (human) action.)
If 800 speed film can't achieve that shutter speed then try ASA 1600 and ask the lab to push-process one stop.

(The reason I recommended "one stop under wide open" for your test is to allow for some flexibility. If the lighting dims or if the action picks up you can open another stop to compensate.)

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June 17, 2005

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