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Photography Question 

Gary L.

flash photography

I usually shoot my weddings at the same settings always... which is ,camera set on manual, lense set 5.6, ASA 400, flash
set on AUTO AND ASA 400 AS WELL AND 5.6 SET ON FLASH...I uses a quantum turbo battery and a quantum qflash T2 model.
for some reason or another my battery seen to drain more juice than at other weddings.

even thou am within the flash range my battery still pull more juice at certain places than others...and the flash has been fully charged way in advance.
what could be causing this,and what would you suggest.
the flash is being diffuse by the way.

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June 15, 2005


Jon Close
  The flash is automatically adjusting its output based on subject distance and ambient lighting. It will use up the battery faster when the ambient light is darker or the subject farther away. Using the diffuser requires higher output to acheive the same light level than without, so that will also deplete the battery charge faster.

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June 16, 2005

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