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BetterPhoto Member

Problems with my Canon Elan 7E

My Caonon Elan 7E keeps flashing that the battery is low and won't make pictures . If I turn it off and back on again, it will take one picture and do the same thing again. The battery is not low, I have tried several sets of new battery's and nothing has helped. Does anyone have any suggestions on what could be the problem?


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May 30, 2005


Jon Close
  This is one of the classic symptoms when using some third party lenses that have a faulty internal ROM chip. Usually (but not limited to) Sigma and Sigma-made Quantaray lenses that were designed and made prior to 2002. The lenses work fine on older model EOS cameras, but with the Elan 7 and later models they'll exhibit this incompatibility. See

If this is the case, contact Sigma Customer Service and they will update the lens's ROM chip to restore compatibility (if the lens is a current model). See , FAQ #7, and . If it is an older lens that cannot be updated there is nothing to be done, save trying to return it to the seller.

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May 31, 2005

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