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Photography Question 

Srinivasan Durai


I have a hand held exposure meter. How do I use it in the incident mode? Some people suggest that the dome of the meter should face the light source. Some people suggest that it should face the camera. Some people keep their palm over the dome when they are taking up the reading when shooting portraits outdoors. Which method is correct in which situation? Please kindly explain the best method to use the meter...

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March 04, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Incident readings are taken with the light dome facing the camera from the subject's position. The only time you would obscure the meter with your hand would be to approximate the light falling on the subject (eg. it is in shadow and you don't want to walk over and put the meter in the same shadow.

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March 04, 2001


Srinivasan Durai
  Thanking you Mr.Jeff.But When we shoot indoors, when the dome of the meter faces the source (eg.flashlight), We get 18% value isn't? But when we face the dome towards the camera We are likely to get over exposed, especially in transparencies isn't? Which one is the correct method. why it is so?

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March 18, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  The only time when you may have problems with incident readings are when there is strong side lighting. In that instance you have to take an average reading between pointing at the light source and then back at the camera. There are many theories on the correct way to do this but mostly you just need to experiment and figure out what works best for you. I will usually take a reflective spot reading in these instances. But that's what works for me and I'm comfortable with it. Generally, though, incident readings should be taken pointed at the camera.

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March 18, 2001

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