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BetterPhoto Member

How to use Photoshop with Raw Nikon Files

I have a nikon digital camera but I am unable to open my Raw Files with Photoshop. How do I get Photoshop to read my Nikon Files?

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May 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  You may have to convert your RAW files to TIFF's first.

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May 11, 2005


Martin Baadsgaard
  You have Photoshop CS?
At Adobes website you can get an update for the RAW import filter.
Nikon is not on the list of "new supported filetypes" but it will fix your problem (at least it did for me)

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May 13, 2005


David King
  Nikon's Capture program and PS (with the RAW plug-in) can read the files but are glacially slow. Most pros prefer one of the 3rd party RAW converters: Capture One (high functionality, high price), Bibble Pro (good functionality reasonable price), or Raw Shooter (good functionality, Free). All of them do their work in real time and can batch process files or use the setting from a master file with color standards, to correct the rest of the shots under that lighting condition. Shooting RAW is great for quality but for production of lots of images, consider one of the 3rd party converters.



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June 09, 2005

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