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Photography Question 

Debbie Nelson

Printing problems with Photoshop CS

I have the Canon 20D and use an Epson Stylus Photo 2000P printer and am having trouble printing images. The image looks correct on the screen, but each print comes out red. You can see the other colors, but red is dominating the entire photo. I have printed images from this camera before using the same printer and program with no problems. I do not understand what the problem is now. The photo editing software used for all printing is Adobe Photoshop CS. Can anyone explain what is happening?

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May 08, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  It sounds like you're having profiles problems.
If you just updated to CS, you may not have loaded your working profile correctly or changed it from a default setting. If things were ok in CS until now, you may have inadvertantly changed your printer profile. Either would certainly account for your problem.
Open CS, go to your main menu under Photoshop>Color Settings. Be sure all of your settings are correct, especially your working space. Then check your printer driver to be sure the correct printer profile is in place. Hopefully, one and/or both will bring you back to "normal."
Michael H. Cothran

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May 08, 2005

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