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Photography Question 

Kathleen Miller

How to use the automatic mode on a metz 45

I am shooting my sisters wedding and have not pulled out my flash in a long time. I know how to use the GN in the manual mode, but I would like to use the automatic mode though. So my queston is-Do I select the distance/apature I want on the 5 tele computer selections and compensate for ambiant, or should I just stick with manual? I do not have the diffuser for the flash anymore as someone stole it at school. Thanks alot

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May 07, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I presume you are aware that "Auto" mode is different from "TTL." In Auto (on the flash), you want to place your CAMERA in manual, then select an f-stop on your camera, and set the flash to the same f-stop. Be sure to use an appropriate shutter speed with your chosen f-stop, and be sure that your flash is set to the correct ASA/ISO.
By the way, for weddings, I would shoot just about everything candid @ f5.6 or f8. These settings allow your flash to recycle quickly. I would also use a shutter speed of 1/15th or 1/30th second indoors. This will allow the ambient light to build a little, and in case you are concerned about blurring @ 1/15th second, your flash will "freeze" the subject, so it's usually no problem.
Michael H. Cothran

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May 08, 2005


Kathleen Miller
  Thank you so much for your help. I actually ran out bought a new flash meter just to make sure there were no mess ups. Thanks again

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May 10, 2005

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