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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

E M. Sparler

Creating a collection and archiving it.

I am amasing a large amount of images, both digital and scanned 35mm. My ultimate goal is to create a database which will allow me to search by subject, composition, color, theme, or location. But, I have run out of room on my hard drive. I am looking for suggestions on ways that other people manage a large collection of images. All of the original raw images are backed up on CDs. Now I want to save all of the manipulations (color corections, etc..) that I have done to the 'worthy' images be able to revisit and utlilze them on short notice, and access them on a daily basis. My first inclination is to get an external hard drive. However, these are not always stable. My second is to back up on a tape drive, but this is not storage, it is backup. So it can not be easily manipulated. What methods do the rest of you use? What is the techinque of professionals? Thanks in advance for the advice.

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May 03, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Check IMAGEEXPERTS website---( ) ( , Print File Archival Storage ( ).

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May 05, 2005

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