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Larry N. Lozier

How to Scan Slides

Hello, I just recently had a roll of Velvia 100 developed (my first slide film). The pictures look great looking at them with a light table and an 8 power loupe. All the pictures were taken using a tripod and remote release. Many of the shots taken are long exposure because I was looking for long DOF. The problem is that when I try to scan these slides with my hp Scanjet 4570c tma if I make them large enough to fill the majoity of my 15" monitor they are blurry. I really like my slides and would like to be able to show them to friends. Thanks for any help you can give.

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May 01, 2005


Matthew Slyfield

I have an hp scanjet 4670. Just to see what it could do, I tied the tma scanner attachment with some old negatives I had. The resulting scan was not as high a resolution as I would have liked for that purpose. This is probably the problem you are having. The scan is too low res to enlarge that much.

If these friends you want to show your slides to are people you can get together with physically, I would recommend a slide projector and screen. If you are planning on shooting more slides and you realy want to show them electronically, check to see if the lab you are using to develope the slides can make a CD of digital images from the film when the process it. Many one hour developing / print shops will do this for around $4-$6 with print film, I don't know if they can do it for slides. If they can, this would give you a higher resolution than most home scanners could achieve with that small of an image. But if you are going to shoot slides I would realy recommend a projector, it's fairly low tech, but that is how slides are made to be displayed.

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May 01, 2005


Larry N. Lozier
Thanks for your comments. I will probably check with my lab to see if they can put them on a CD for me.
Larry Lozier

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May 04, 2005

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