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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Camera eats my film!

Problem cam: Fuji STX-2, '80s model

I bought a used 35mm SLR camera off of eBay. I've only shot two rolls of film with it, and it ate both rolls!

What happens is this; I load a roll of film into the camera, take pictures like normal. All is well so far.

When the roll is used up, I go to rewind the film. The wheel turns two to three very stiff turns (click. click. c...lick.), then the wheel turns easily...too easily.

I open up the camera and my film has been pulled out of the cartridge and wrapped around the...intake wheel? (I'm sorry, I'm very amateur and don't know the names for the parts of the camera. It's the wheel/knob that the film wraps around when you advance it.)

Anyway, I was wondering if there was a simple way to correct this problem, or if it entails costly (or possibly non-costly? *crosses fingers*) professional repair.

Thanks in advance!

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April 25, 2005


  Check the bottom of the camera, you need to push your release button first then wind the film back!

What you are experiencing is this:

The stiff clicks you are hearing is you stretching the film trying to wind it back, when you haven't released it. Then when it winds easily it is because you have wound it so much it has "snapped" under the pressure.

Next time you rewind the film. Pull your rewind handle up, press and hold down the button on the bottom of the camera, usually right under where the catridge would be. While pressing it, then rewind the film back....

I hope this helps!

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April 25, 2005

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