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Help! Very gray pictures!

Hi. I've used my Nikon N60 for several years now with minimal problems. I am an avid photographer but am pretty novice in my picture taking skills. I recently got back several rolls of developed film and was extremely disappointed with the quality of images. Some are excellent and some are very gray and grainy. Some did not even make it to print as the negative looks blank. This film was not exposed to airport xrays. I've never experienced these problems in the past and I've not changed anything in my techniques! I simply shoot mostly on auto and use auto focus as well. 2 pictures of the same subject even came out completely clear and bright, the other gray, grainy, and not sharp. HELP!!! I lost several priceless photos of kids and family!!

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April 15, 2005


  Did you use flash for those photos? Sounds like the batteries of the flash did not recharge fully before you take another one. Just a guess.

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April 16, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Greetings Stephanie: Although I think Andy might be on the right track in terms of batteries, I'm going to assume that out of the several rolls, not all were taken with flash and that some were taken outdoors.

What you seem to be describing seems to be problems with either the shutter or lens aperture in that you've got inconsistent results, either badly underexposed or no exposure with blank frames. I'll also assume you're using the same lens for all these shots. The batteries in the camera itself would effect automatic feautures including metering, shutter, etc. So, if you've changed them recently and still got the same problems, I'd consider taking it to a competent repair shop to get the entire body and lens checked out and diagnosed. It could be as simple as just needing a good CLA (clean, lube and adjustment) or maybe a sticking diaphragm on the lens. If it's a minor problem it might be pretty inexpensive to repair and certainly a camera worth saving.
Take it light. Mark

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April 16, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Stephanie that would make me feel so sick to my stomach, sorry for your loss!

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April 17, 2005


  Thank you all so much for your help! Mark was correct in assuming that not all pictures were indoor flash pictures...many were outdoor ones as well. I also use the same lens with all shots (see how novice I am!). I've not changed the batteries in the camera for a long while. I'll try that and shoot a roll of film. If the results are still inconsistently exposed, I'll take it to a shop. About a year ago, it was cleaned etc. when I had work done on it to repair the lens (which was pretty costly)so hopefully it's just the batteries! I'll keep you posted if you don't mind. I need all the advice I can get!! Thanks again!!

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April 17, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  So, do you recall whether you were having the same or similar problems about a year ago with that same lens? You may have narrowed the problem down yourself. And yes, please let us know what the real diagnosis was / is.
Yeah Steph, let us know.
Oh, and you're very welcome. ;>))

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April 17, 2005


  Unfortunately Mark, the problem last year was not the same so I really can't rule the lens out as the cause of the problem. I've never had pictures turn out like they've recently turned out....thank goodness I guess. Wouldn't that be something if it turns out to be as simple as a battery problem? Thanks for HELPING me narrow down the potential problem. Couldn't have figured it out by myself at ALL! I'll keep you posted! Have a great week and thanks again!

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April 17, 2005

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