BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Laura Clay-Ballard

Today's Technical Difficulties Continue

I have tried many times today to upload a photo into the contest. My image is within the parameters required.
First of all, when I go to upload my image I am not given the option of a category??? I"m always given this option, but not this afternoon.
Secondly, my images show up with a number but the image is broken and doesn't upload completely.
Any advice? Is anyone else having these same issues?

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April 12, 2005


  Sorry, Laura, I haven't had any may try contacting Heather Young and see if she can help you!

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April 13, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  I do not know who Heather Young is. (or at least I don't think I know! LOL) Can you help me out here?

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April 13, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  It's working this morning. Can't explain why. I did refresh many many times as well as restart. No luck. Thanks!

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April 13, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  For future reference, heather at knows all and sees all...:-)


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April 13, 2005


Laura Clay-Ballard
  Well, then, she's the ONE! Thanks!
BTW, I did get a message from Jim M giving me some advice and assistance. :>)

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April 13, 2005

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