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Photography Question 

Lorraine Oates

resizing with ps

Please help!!!!!
The Image in ps 17.5 cm by 26.5 cm. How the heck do I resize the image to fit in the picture frame. Picture frame 20cm by 25cm ( correct size for frame).

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April 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  The proportions of your image and frame do not match. You CANNOT resize without cropping some of the image. If you want to crop, just click on your Cropping tool, type in the w/l (20x25cm) sizes you want, and keep the ppi the same as what it is in the 17.5x26.5 image. Then draw the cropping tool over your image, and once you have the area you want selected, double click, and it will crop to your 20x25cm. Simple!
Email me if you are still in trouble.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Let me clarify something a little better here.
Your image (17.5x26.5cm) has SIDE proportions of 2:3, while your frame (20x25cm) has SIDE proportions of 2:2.5. A significant difference. In PS, "resizing" implies keeping the SAME side proportions, and this is where I believe you are running into problems, because PS is maintaining the same side proportions.
You really have two choices -
1. Buy a new frame with 2:3 proportions, or
2. Crop your image to 2:2.5 (20x25cm) proportions with the cropping tool.
If you choose #2, you will have to crop, meaning you will have to discard some of your image. Hopefully, that's ok. If it's not ok, then refer to #1.
Good luck.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 05, 2005

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