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Photography Question 

Cynthia Mattson

Studio Lighting

I have taken portraits with my lighting. There are times when the umbrella lighting goes off a second after I take a picture and then the photo is blurry or half of a double side of the face. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with setting up the equipment????? Cindy

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April 04, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
I am going to take a guess at what I think may be happening and I think it is your shutter speed setting. You should have your camera set on M for Manual, not A for Aperature of Automatic. If you are in a dark space using your strobes with camera set on A, the camera selects a shutter speed based on the darkness of the room and this could be in seconds rather than fractions of seconds. The blurring is from a long shutter speed and your flash is firing after the shutter is opened. My suggestion is to set your camera on Manual and at a shutter speed of 1/125 and test again.

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April 05, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I second Charlie's opinion on this one. It sounds like your camera is firing the flash on the second curtain, or at the end of the exposure, and you are probably shooting in A or P mode, which is giving you a long shutter time.
Put you camera on M, and set your shutter speed to 1/60 sec (I prefer this to 1/125, but either is ok if your camera will sync @ 1/125. Don't forget to set your f-stop according to your hand meter.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 05, 2005


Cynthia Mattson
  Thank you Charlie and Michael. I have always taken pictures in A and P mode. When I tried to do it Manually the person always looks blurry through the eye piece. LOL... I guess I will practice and see what results I get. Thanks again for the information. Cynthia

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April 05, 2005

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