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Photography Question 

john dunne

Good Ideas for still life ?

I have to bring along some props for a still life session in my local camera club. Can anybody please suggesty some nice shots. It will be nighttime so the room will be lit by flourescent light. Peple will have flash but no lighting setup. Thank you

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March 17, 2005


Jennifer L. Bales
  I would definitely use a filter to adjust for the flourescent lighting! Some prop ideas is fruit with a bottle of wine (like grapes)! That is a cool looking pic. Maybe a candle in a candle holder too. Ivy leaves would add to it. Or, try several wine glasses (variety of sizes/shapes) full of champaigne for the bubbles with white christmas lights far in the background for spectral highlights! Use a wide open aperture for shallow dof. It's always a fun still life to use toys ... like a child's wooden train, car, action figures... stuff like that add humor.

Just some thoughts.

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March 23, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Let your imagination go wild!
That's what still-life is all about.
People who know you will respond favorably to still-life photographs of props which reflect your personal interests or passions, or that tell a story.
(As Jen mentioned,...humor always works too.)

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March 24, 2005


john dunne
  Thank you most knidly. Great suggestions.

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March 25, 2005

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