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Photography Question 

Becky Hunter

Would it be difficult to take more than one class

I have just located your site today through a search on photography. I have always had an interest in photograpy, but I am just a casual photographer. I like to take photos of my children and special events.

I would like to gain more knowledge of cameras and equipment as well as how to take better photos. I would eventually like to start a small business taking photos of weddings, sporting events or maybe open a photo studio. I have seen many classes on this site that would be helpful to me and I don't know where to start.

I have a one and a half year old who is growing up very quickly and I would love to take better photos of him while he is stil young, so the class on photographing children really appeals to me. I cannot seem to get quality close ups of him. I use a 35mm camera which was not real expensive so I don't know if I just don't know enough about my camera or if I really need a better quality camera. I am sure I could use a class on beginning photography, I just can't figure out which one would be the best for me, I am afraid that some may be way over my head. I am a point and shoot kind of photographer. I don't know anything about the features of my camera. If anyone has any ideas for me, please respond.

I was also wondering if it would be too difficult to take two classes at the same time. I thought about the photographing children and some type of beginners class??? Any ideas???


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March 14, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
Robert Hambley's Gallery

I don't think taking two classes at one time would be difficult, (ok here comes the BIG 'IF'), IF you have the time. As busy all of us are, that might be the hardest part. But I don't think that should stop you. Proper planning and time management should be able to accomplish it. Some of the assigments might 'overlap' enough where you can use the pictures from the same photo-taking session for both classes. However, I don't think this would work to often for the macro photography and wildlife photography classes....

I would be interested in a response from anyone who has tried 2 at once ... or from any of the instructors who have the experience of having students taking multiple classes.. how do they feel it worked out?

Good Luck!

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March 15, 2005


Kerry Drager
  Hi everyone!
An interesting conversation here ... with a great question! Many folks at BetterPhoto have successfully completed two - even three or more - courses during one session. Some of them have even been in my classes, and things went smoothly for them.

But Robert has hit things right on target: Time would definitely be an issue. On the other hand, it's possible that some of the assignments might, indeed, overlap. For example, Becky, let's say you have a willing child - or two. Then, after photographing that subject using one technique - to satisfy an assignment for the children's photography course - you might also be able to shoot the youngster in a totally another way for the beginners' course. This wouldn't always work, of course, but sometimes it would!

(Interesting, this shoot-the-same-subject-in-different-ways process follows an important "beyond-snapshots" technique: Whenever you have a good subject, then try to photograph that subject in as many different ways as you can. All serious shooters and professionals follow that advice whenever possible!)

Two suggestions: 1) Be sure to read not only the course description, but also the Q&A for a specific class (the link is at the bottom of the main course description page). 2) If you have any questions regarding the requirements for a particular class, you might want to contact the instructor directly ... check the "contact" link near the bottom of the course page.

Again, it's definitely possible to juggle multiple courses in one session - many people have done it ... assuming, as Robert says, you institute "proper planning and time management." :-)

Hope this helps!

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March 15, 2005

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