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Photography Question 

melvina weatherby

Digital Rebel es not Working

I was taking on camera flash pics when this happened, what is wrong with my camera ??See photo attached . Thanks in advance. Melvina

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March 11, 2005


melvina weatherby
Sorr ,here is the photo. Melvina

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March 11, 2005


  It might be that your shutter speed is too slow. Did you try with at least 1/60 of a sec?

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March 11, 2005


  Or, do you have a long lens with a hood on which might block the flash light?

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March 11, 2005


melvina weatherby
  All my photos are like wt you see, don`t matter wt mode, I tryed tv 160. same thing.

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March 11, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  plastic shutters break easily. Take off your lens and set function to clean sensor. Then watch to se if the shutter goes through full motion

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March 11, 2005


Jon Close
  It looks like the tyical result one gets when using a flash with the shutter speed set faster than the camera's x-sync (1/200 on the DRebel). If this happened at 1/160 sec., then there is either an obstruction blocking the light from the flash, or the shutter is faulty (in which case non-flash photos would also be affected).

What flash? Built-in or accessory (brand/model?).

What lens? Was there a hood mounted?

Does this happen only with flash photos?

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March 11, 2005


melvina weatherby
  The camera takes this kid of pic, even without the flash don`t matter what lens I use. I was using built in flash when this happened however.

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March 11, 2005

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