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Photography Question 

Mary Ann Melton

Getting the color right when uploading for the web

ve got a question. I shoot RAW in Adobe RGB, use photoshop to process to 16 bit TIFF files. When I get ready to upload to the web, I change to an 8 bit file, convert the file to sRGB, down size and then save as JPEG at whatever size a given site prefers. Sometimes, however, once I load that jpg to the web, the color is washed out - not just a little washed out - I mean washed out. One of my entries here I had to oversaturate to the point it looked ugly on my screen in order for it to show its true colors at this website.

I've started using the save to web function on photoshop, but that just gives me a preview of how bad it is going to look . . . so I go back and add color, add saturation, add warming filters, anything to get the finished product on the web to look right. Some photos seem to have more of a problem with this than others.

By the way, my original files print out with beautiful color. I have just started using a CRT and even on the CRT the colors don't look the same on the upload, although they do look better than they do on my mac laptop.

But I wish I understood what was happening - so that I could know how to get my files ready to show their proper colors without having to do this trial and error guessing.

Any suggestions anyone?

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March 07, 2005 - Robert Hambley

Contact Robert Hambley
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  I had this same problem. It was discussed in another thread (a thread before mine...)

Seach website for

Color synchronization

or just use this link --

Peter Burian (a guest instructor here)has several suggestions for this problem .


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March 08, 2005

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