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Photography Question 

Julianne Rehn

Slave flash problem

I recently set my two studio lights for team photos, setting one of the flash heads onto slave, however it didn't fire on several occasions, and this happened intermitently. Would you know why?

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March 06, 2005


Jon Close
  What brand/model camera, speedlight(s), and studio lights are you using?

Some cameras, set exposure with a pre-flash that sets off slaved lights before the shutter opens.

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March 07, 2005


Julianne Rehn
  Im using two SLS 4001 - ML flash heads with my Pentax ist 35mm camera. The problem was that there was no pre flash - there was just one flash firing which was connected to my camera via cord when shutter was pressed, however the slave flash failed to fire at the same time - this did not happen on every occasion - just every now and then.

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March 07, 2005

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