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Photography Question 

Stephanie Sherwood

HELP TRansfering Problems

I have a D70. I for some reason am having problems transfering the images to my pc. I never had this problem before & I have used this many many times. I re-installed the program to see if maybe there was a missing file or something but I keep getting 0 of 0 files selected to transfer. But I know there are images there. My PC sees the camera infact I can go into the camera and get the photos but not through the Nikon Picture Project transfer program.Has anyone had this problem. Please help! It is driving me crazy!

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March 05, 2005


Keith Penney

I too have the D70,but I think this is more of a pc question...when you go to load your photos what pops up first? Adobe, Picture Perfect, Microsoft ect...better yet, is it pc or mac. I have a windows based pc with xp.When I hook the
D70 thru the usb cable , a window pops up with several can always ask
Nikon, they have a good Q&A service center.
Good Luck...

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March 10, 2005


Heidi Dunlop

I had the same problem last evening. (I have previously transfered at least 4 or 5 other times with no problem.) (Shooting RAW)
What was your solution? Trying to save myself a few steps, haha.
Thanks, Heidi Dunlop

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April 06, 2005


Stephanie Sherwood
  I think my problem was I had a virus. becuase I even un-installed and re-installed the program and it didnt work.

I ended up getting a new pc a few days later, which I had already ordered before I had these problems,, and now it works fine.

you might have a virus.

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April 06, 2005


Brian A. Wolter
  If you are transferring your pics from the camera to the pc via a USB cable, it could be the USB port itself. My printer is hooked through the USB port and I couldn't print. I had to do a system restore on my entire hard drive then the USB port started working again.

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April 06, 2005


Stephanie Sherwood
  at first I thought that was my problem too, but I was able to get the files through my computer, so the computer was able to see the camera just fine,, just something with the program would not see there was files on the camera. it would go to look for files to transfer but say zero files to enumerate or something like that.

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April 06, 2005


Heidi Dunlop
  OK. I uninstalled the Nikon Picture Project. Then I simply transferred the NEF files directly from the camera to My Documents. Which I could've done anyway--without uninstalling NPP. However, in order to open files and make a JPG version of them I re-installed the NPP (custom install) and things are working just fine. Thanks all!

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April 07, 2005


Brian A. Wolter
  Glad to hear everything is working out..

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April 07, 2005

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