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Photography Question 

Del MacLaren

Diaptor for viewfinder

I have a Canon 10D that I like very much. But.. the viewfinder is very small. I wear contacts to correct for distance, so when I look through the viewfinder my eye can't focus as sharp as I would like. The diaptor that comes on the camera is good, but not quite as strong as I need. Are there viewfinder diaptors that will fit on the viewfinder? I've asked my Optometrists about having a lens made for my right eye vision that could be adapted for my viewfind- but he hasn't heard of anything like that. Anyone have any ideas?

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February 27, 2005


Jon Close
  The viewfinder is designed to give an apparent focus distance of 1m (~3 ft). If you can read a book with your contacts in, you should be able to adjust the viewfinder's diopter to give you good focus.

If you can't focus that close with your contacts and the needed adjustment is greater than the range on the camera's diopter adjustment (-3.0 to +1.0), then you'll need additional correction with one of Canon's E-series Dioptric Adjustment lenses. These are available in strengths from -4.0 to +3.0 diopters.
See 10D Supplies and Accessories at Canon USA or a retailer, such as B&H.

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February 28, 2005

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